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Smart solutions for mobile applications

App development in 2D and 3D

Þ06 January 2020, 16:39
read time: 1,5 min
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Mobile applications have been part of everyday life in our society for years and are used in all areas. From calendars, alarm clocks and messangers to games, the app store leaves nothing to be desired.

Applications for presenting one's own company or for online stores and restaurants are also becoming increasingly popular over time.

For this reason, use-media has clearly positioned itself in this area and has brought additional professional app programmers firmly on board.

The apps can be developed for iOS as well as Android and even Windows 8. Depending on the system, you can have your own application developed and designed by our app programmers. Since use-media always strives to be a pioneer in all technologies, you can have your app made not only in 2D but also in 3D.

No matter if you want to generate more sales for your online store via mobile devices, if you want to present your own company with a lot of information or if you have a completely new idea for an application, our app developers are the right contact persons.

3D Restaurant App

Restaurant AppProject example of our developers
Our restaurant app is completely 3D and gives the user the possibility to control his direct environment with a tablet. Our app programmers work with sophisticated 3D technology and rendering techniques to achieve the level of quality you see.

The app developers of use-media implement your restaurant into this app.

The optional connection to your use (the) web database with interface to www. avoids redundancies.

Your guest gets access to the menu and can watch a video about the preparation, he can call the waiter, order something directly, see his bill and also pay it online.

The app can also be linked to the website and used for online reservation.

Hire our app developers for your custom app.



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