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Benvenuto Toskana

Benvenuto Toskana

Our content management system is used to create this beautiful and appealing site, much like Tuscany itself. Fantastic vacation homes in Italy are offered for rent and all details and pictures are conveniently sorted and made available.

In addition to many display and filtering options, it is also possible to view the available dates per object and make a specific request for a period and property.

In addition to the convenient input of all houses and their associated content, it is very easy for the operator of the site to prepare the site multilingual, without creating redundancies or separate copies of the pages. Consequently, the site is also offered in Italian and English.

Internet presence, home page, web siteServer hosting, domain serviceWeb design, screen design, graphicsContent Management System - CMSAdd-ons and module development ConceptionWeb development - software programmingSearch engine optimization - SEOScripting, script programmingCorporate Design
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