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Understanding the advantages of integrating landing pages into your own website versus using third-party solutions.

Internal or External Landing Pages? Why You Should Always Rely on Your Own Website

Þ01 March 2024, 11:05
read time: 1,5 min
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Landing pages are web pages designed to promote a specific offer or action, guiding visitors toward a particular response. There are two types: internal landing pages, which are part of your own website, and external landing pages, created and hosted by third-party providers. Which option is more suitable for your business?

Many law firms, medical professionals, small manufacturing companies, and craft businesses face the issue of having successful landing pages created by agencies while neglecting their own homepage. This approach has several drawbacks:

  • Loss of Control: You relinquish control over your online presence, becoming dependent on agencies for maintenance and updates of the landing pages.
  • Brand Weakening: Missing the opportunity to strengthen your brand and image by not positioning your website as the central hub for potential and existing customers.
  • SEO Challenges: Losing valuable traffic and ranking potential, as external landing pages are often not optimized for search engines or may even violate Google's guidelines.

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Therefore, it's advisable to focus on internal landing pages integrated into your own website. The benefits include:

  • Full Control: Complete authority over your online presence, allowing for timely adjustments and optimizations.
  • Brand Building: Enhancing your brand and image by establishing your website as a trustworthy and professional source for your offers and actions.
  • Improved SEO: Generating more traffic and ranking potential by optimizing your landing pages for search engines with relevant keywords, content, and links.

Creating and optimizing internal landing pages doesn't require a large budget or extensive technical expertise. Various tools and tips can assist in designing effective landing pages:

  • Content Management Systems and Page Builders: Tools like Adalize enable easy and quick creation of internal landing pages without programming knowledge, offering templates optimized for various goals and industries or allowing custom designs.
  • A/B Testing and Analysis Tools: Platforms such as Google Optimize and Adalize facilitate testing and comparing different versions of your landing pages to determine which performs better, allowing variations in elements like headlines, images, texts, call-to-actions, and forms, and measuring their impact on conversion rates and other metrics.
  • CRM Integration and Lead Management: These tools connect your landing pages with your customer relationship management system, capturing and managing lead data, enabling segmentation, qualification, and tracking to convert leads into customers.

By focusing on internal landing pages, you maintain control over your online presence, strengthen your brand, and enhance your website's performance in search engines.

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