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The interactive visitor guide for the archaeological museum NAIM

App solutions for museums

Þ16 July 2020, 12:44
read time: 3,5 min
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Digitization has long since found its way not only into our everyday lives, but also into museums around the world. The technical innovations that are available today thanks to a digitized world are too tempting.

From dynamic experiences with touch controls to digital information panels and real-time navigation aids via GPS - with digital elements such as a Museum Guide app, the age of digitization is dawning even in places where time is known to have stood still.


The alternative to a mobile app

Are you thinking about developing a museum guide app for your visitors to offer them a unique digital experience? What if you could have a digital museum guide without having to have a very costly app developed directly for it? The use-media's closed-loop operating system gives you just that opportunity.

But let's start at the beginning... What kind of operating system is it? Well, if you're now thinking of Windows, Android or iOS, you're on the wrong track. It's much more of an operating system that unites all of your technology, which you can control from just one desktop.

One software for everything

Museum Software für alles

Create websites, control e-mail traffic, create digital information offers for billboards or stelae, offer your users unique experiences with digital content, control digital payment transactions via online banking, offer your own online store or implement a digital museum guide that guides your museum visitors through your halls and provides them with information.

Dies ist nur ein kleiner Bruchteil des Umfangs, den unsere Software bietet. Wir wollen jedoch nicht den Rahmen sprengen und beim Thema Museum Guide bleiben. Sie sehen, für einen digitalen Rundführer benötigen Sie keine überteuerte Museum Guide App, sondern können auch auf Lösungen zurückgreifen, die Ihnen einen digitalen Guide, eine professionelle Website, Informationen für Werbetafeln, einen Onlineshop und vieles mehr - für einen deutlich geringeren Preis als die Entwicklung einer ganzen App - bietet.


Archaeological Museum NAIM: The interactive visitor guide

Museum Guide für Tablets

We have been developing new media solutions with an international team since 1996. In addition to the development of professional websites and extensive mobile apps, this also includes a digital museum guide, which is currently being used in the Archaeological Museum NAIM in Sofia and offers visitors a completely new experience to relive exhibits from past times.

This is an interactive guide that navigates visitors through the large halls via their own smartphone and has intelligent touch controls. In this guide, all museum halls are marked for the visitor and stored with information about the respective hall. This way, you can quickly get an overview and unerringly find the areas that interest you the most.

Furthermore, the Museum Guide presents the biggest hotspots and digital showcases with high-resolution images give a first visual impression of the respective hall.

But also detailed information is easy to find by means of the guide, because the guide is not only a navigation aid, but also a database with information about all exhibits. Thus, visitors can not only examine the good exhibits, but also learn more about the origin and history by means of texts, pictures, videos and audio.





How do I use the Visitor Guide?

If you want to combine your visit to the NAIM archaeological museum with a digital experience, you can now use our software to create an interactive mobile visitor guide. It should be mentioned here that not only the guide itself convinces with its range of functions and information, but also the handling is extremely easy and designed for users of all ages.

You need nothing more than a smartphone to use the digital guide. After you have purchased your ticket at the ticket office, you will receive a QR code that you can scan directly with your smartphone. As soon as you have scanned the QR code, the mobile visitor guide will automatically open on your smartphone and accompany you on your tour of the museum.

No downloads, no apps, no big explanations needed - just scan the QR code and you're ready to go.

The first thing you see when you start the guide is a digital map that shows you your hotspots and other spaces. If you select a hotspot, you can choose from numerous images, videos, audios and other informative and exciting materials for each hotspot. Furthermore, the guide offers you a clear menu structure sorted by room / hall and a separate list of all hotspots, if you ever don't know where to find a certain exhibit. All in all, the digital companion is a super addition to a museum tour and offers a completely new museum experience for young and old thanks to its large scope and ease of use.

See also: Our software in use at the National Archaeological Institute with Museum

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