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Smiling is a must here!

Airport kiosk with photo app

Þ21 November 2020, 12:42
read time: 5 min
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Flying, a dream of mankind came true and changed the whole world. In the past, flying was very time-consuming, expensive and involved a lot of preparation time, but today for many it is like taking the bus and more comfortable than ever.

The ultra-modern airports with gigantic construction complexes and fully digitized infrastructure play a large part in this. Like Sofia International Airport, which handles over 7,000,000 passengers a year.

In the following article we would like to present our latest project Aerodromedia, which plays an interesting role in the digitization process of the major airport and shows the individual application possibilities of our software.

We have captured first impressions in the picture gallery on the left.

State-of-the-art digital solutions offer an incredible range of possibilities and bring entirely new potential to light. Digitalization has changed the world, and air travel is also enjoying the digital transformation.

Be it through constant technical improvements or the huge online market and the associated explosion in annual passenger numbers.

As a formative component of the whole, we were allowed to accompany the digitalization process around digital touch pillars and potential advertising platforms, with a focus on communication and new media. Our journey took us to the international airport in Sofia, which we equipped with suitable software solutions for modern touch pillars (information columns).

Aedoromedia: Touch steles for airportsTouch Stele - So einfach geht der Flughafen Check-in mit dem Handy.

Security checks, eternal queues at check-in, even more security checks, waiting at the terminal, flight delays, frustrated coffee at Starbucks - anyone who flies must always reckon with long waiting times and should plan on spending several hours at the airport.

Let's remember once again that Sofia Airport alone sees more than 7,000,000 passengers a year. What an enormous potential for resident businesses and generously distributed advertising platforms - right?

We have recognized this huge potential and developed a software solution that enables smart and remote operation of digital stelae. In this way, image, text and video content can be output to the touch screens to use them as an advertising platform.

But in times of sensory overload, who is still impressed by simple advertising? Experts all over the world have been racking their brains over this problem, which is obvious to the advertising industry, for decades and we have also had to take this fact into account in our software development.

We focused on interaction, because anyone who interacts with an object and, in the best case scenario, has fun doing so, will also perceive the advertising that is broadcast there.

Digital screens with the latest Touch technology provide the perfect basis for this and allow fast and, above all, smart interaction.

So intelligent that people of all ages are invited to discover the new possibilities of the digital age.


We put a smile on passengers' faces

We sweeten the airport stay with great souvenir photos: The digital steles set up in Sofia not only provide a platform for commercials, but also allow interaction as described. Passengers can use touch controls to interrupt the running commercials and launch the SMILE app. This is a photo app that can be used thanks to the integrated stele camera. Once a photo has been taken, it can be decorated with a beautiful frame and then posted on the airport's linked Facebook page.

Digitale Stele für Check-in mit dem Handy am Flughafen.

The dream of every Facebook marketer: Long-term free, authentic and promotional content for your own Facebook page - daily. What can be better presented on a Facebook company page than the smiling faces of your own "customers"?

Jack-of-all-trades features: The software for almost all problems

  • Digital platform for advertising messages
  • Interaction with the target group
  • Enthusiasm for technology
  • Creates positive emotions that remain in memory
  • Powerful tool for authentic Facebook marketing

Practical example at Sofia International Airport: At Sofia Airport, six double-sided information pillars, each with two 55-inch 4K Monitors in portrait format, can now be used as a surface for digital content, while an additional ten Digital signage pillars, each with a 43-inch Touch Monitor, are available for great photos. These can be found in both Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 and are already being used by a large number of passengers.

As an experienced new media agency, we offer airports the right tools to turn passengers' stay into a new experience and digitally capture meaningful moments, such as the first vacation photo with loved ones.  


The most important at a glance

Digital Signage Stele am Internationalen Flughafen Sofia.

Clever und einfach zu bedienen für jede Altersgruppe:

  • Commercials are played in sequence until they are interrupted by interaction (touch) to post a selfie for the airport Facebook page using the photo app. The commercials then continue automatically.
  • The steles software is based on Windows and can be easily controlled by finger using Smart touch technology.
  • The system sends a signal at regular intervals via API/Interface so that the respective technical team managing the stele can see how long the software has been running continuously.
  • Since all stelae are directly connected to the Internet line under the highest security measures, they can be conveniently remotely controlled in real time.
  • The Windows outputs are secured by "lock-down".
  • All devices reboot every night and new Updates are fully automated
  • Very low traffic consumption: To minimize the traffic consumption of the indoor steles, the advertising in the form of videos is not streamed online but played locally. Instead, the commercials are managed remotely by an IT team based locally at the airport. In this way, the software is very economical when it comes to the usually very high traffic consumption caused by videos, which is a high priority, especially with a larger number of stelae / info pillars.



Do you have questions about our software solution or would you like to learn more about the use of steles at airports?

Our experts will be happy to advise you in a personal meeting - contact us!



As with all our projects, data protection naturally plays a major role for us at Aerodromedia. It is important to us that your customers' data is protected and does not fall into the wrong hands, which is why we always take all technically possible Security measures with state-of-the-art IT infrastructure. Thus, we work with elaborately developed solutions that make our software products future-proof and also comply with the guidelines of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

Learn more about our technical solutions for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation: Cookie Consent Bar for Websites

Autor: DH

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