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Information output for patients

Waiting Room TV Software / Steles Control

Þ09 June 2021, 15:20
read time: 2,5 min
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Digital information output with important information for patients has been a gratefully accepted support for medical practices and hospitals at the latest since Covid-19.

Relevant information, such as rules of conduct, can be displayed in waiting rooms and lounges on high-resolution steles and TVs. But also advertising, information about offered treatments or simply a nice introduction of the team are possible here.

Tip: Opt for centralized control of your content. This way, you can control all your digital content with just one software. Whether website, registration form, surveys or information in text, image and video format - with central control, you can manage everything clearly with just one software.

Information panels and modern touch steles offer a wide range of options when it comes to displaying information. But interaction is also no longer a rarity thanks to smart touch control.

Touch control: Provide interaction possibilities!

If you want to offer your patients more than just information, touch stelae can be the perfect basis for this. A modern touch stele, for example, enables a smart implementation of surveys and can be used as an ideal tool to learn more about your patients.

Boredom in the waiting room? So the time flies by!

In the waiting room, as we all know, the clocks tick slower and boredom is not far behind. Yes, some patients even use the time in the waiting room to worry even more about their illness or upcoming treatment. With digital media, you can provide your patients with an additional offering to make the waiting time fly by.

Use the opportunity to provide your patients with insights into procedures and treatments in the form of information videos, for example, or introduce yourself and your team in a short image film. But also advertising, useful information about e.g. new medical findings or the execution of surveys with the help of touch devices can be set up and controlled wonderfully with our software.

Rather one size smaller? No problem, because our software is not device-bound. For example, registrations and surveys can also be implemented ideally with a modern tablet.

Wartezimmer TV, Fernseher oder Stele für den Aufenthaltsraum.


The software solution for a successful digitization processTouch-Stele / Informationsterminal für Krankenhäuser und Arztpraxen.

We accompany the digitization of your premises with a strong software solution behind us and support you as a competent partner with our experience.

With our software, we can provide you with a tool with which you can control all digital content as well as the entire internal and external communication. A system that combines all important tools.

Thus, you can flexibly control all digital content with our software, regardless of location. No matter whether the advertising board in the entrance area, the TV in the waiting room or the information on your website, with just a few clicks you can easily adapt all content as desired and keep it up-to-date without IT knowledge.

A system with which you centrally control all digital content:

  • Information videos
  • Patient information
  • Third-party and self-promotion
  • Team introduction / profiles
  • Survey tool
  • Content on your web pages
  • Uvm.

You're sure to have many more suggestions for digital content that your patients might enjoy - the sky's the limit!

Non-binding request

Would you like to learn more about our software or do you have specific questions about the scope of functions or implementation options? We would also be happy to help you personally. Contact us and find out how you and your patients can effectively benefit from our software.

We look forward to your inquiry!

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