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From production to sales - The software that can do it all!

Warehouse Management Software / Inventory Management Software

Þ19 May 2021, 12:33
read time: 3,5 min
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You're standing in the warehouse or in your production facility and you think to yourself "there's more you can do"? Then you should first check how efficient and reliable your enterprise resource planning system is, because strong software is half the battle when it comes to optimizing logistics, production and accounting.

In the following, we would like to introduce our warehouse management software, developed over many years, which convinces with a centralized Administration of all business processes and combines the most important core areas in one software. No matter if you want to control your Website (incl. online store), your warehouse program, Accounting or internal and external communication, our warehouse management software provides the appropriate solutions and smart control modules. Our software is an all-rounder and combines all digital areas for your business processes with only one central interface. Manage your entire inventory management centralized with only one powerful tool, which leaves nothing to be desired and can be individually adapted to the needs of your company.

đOptimize processes and make them more effective with the right system.

Our ERP system offers the following advantages, among others:

  • Effective solutions for the optimization of business processes
  • Control of, among others, production, logistics, accounting and online store
  • Web-based and available from any location
  • Centralized control
  • Integration possibilities
  • Multilingualism
  • Dynamic properties
  • Various modules for your administration as well as internal and external communication
  • And much more...


Web-based software for warehouse management, production and accounting

A good software should be usable at any time and from any place on earth via internet connection without being dependent on fixed installations. That's why we rely on web-based warehouse management software that you can access from any location and at any time. This way, you always have everything in view and can work with the software via your web browser, regardless of your end device.

Warenwirtschaftssystem ortsunabhängig nutzen

Our web-based warehousing software enables the control of production, logistics / warehouse management up to digital accounting. No IT expertise is required, because simple user guidance and smart control elements are the basis of our software. Finally, we offer our software not only to modern industrial plants that have specialized IT professionals. Our warehouse management software is designed for the broad market and offers modern solutions regardless of IT skills and industry. From large corporations to simple online stores - the management and control of important core areas such as production, logistics and accounting has never been so simple and efficient.

Our inventory management software provides you with a reliable overview of stored products and their associated parts. You can benefit from the following advantages, among others:

  1. For each product, you can define which quantities are critical and always have an eye on when goods or components need to be reordered or produced promptly.
  2. The Quantity of available products can be defined based on the parts needed for production.
  3. The available quantities in your store, which is connected with the stock, are always up to date. Per product you can always see the history of entries and withdrawals, along with the price dynamics.
  4. For online orders and stock entries, the available quantities are updated automatically.
  5. You can manage your suppliers, monitor purchase prices and quickly calculate profits and margins (including percentages) to find the best possible price for the product / component you are looking for.
  6. Certain products can be set as external purchases.
  7. Dealer lists with special conditions for your products can be generated and printed out at any time.
  8. Reports for your accounting with net stock values are generated manually and also automatically.
  9. Search and filter functions facilitate the daily work in a warehouse with a large assortment and many parts.


Organizational talent for strong production and logistics

As already briefly touched upon, our warehouse management software is designed to be cross-industry and intended for many uses. These include, for example, Wholesale and retail trade, Logistics companies, Manufactories for the production of goods and service companies that basically earn on time and labor investment.


We digitize your complete enterprise resource planning

In addition to software development, we also support our customers in word and deed during direct implementation. We actively accompany the digitization process of your logistics, optimize production processes with you and perform pioneering work in the development of individual solutions for your business. As a reliable and competent partner, we also provide consulting services and support you with our many years of experience in the successful digitization of your enterprise resource planning according to the latest standards.


Non-binding inquiries

Do you have questions about our software solutions or would you like to discuss implementation options for your company with us? We would be happy to make an appointment with you for a personal discussion.

We look forward to your inquiry!

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