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Design conferences virtually

Video conferencing software / webcam conference

Þ16 June 2021, 15:18
read time: 2 min
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Videokonferenz Software Webcam Konferenz

Germany has already been struggling with digitization for years, while the missed years and the associated consequences are becoming increasingly apparent. Not least on the basis of the current Corona crisis, it becomes clear which countries are well equipped for a digital future and where there is still a clear need to catch up. Whether it's digital learning for schools, the digitization of business processes at companies or internal communication, the Corona crisis requires distance and we gain this thanks to digital solutions such as video conferencing software.


Hold meetings virtually

Communication is the be-all and end-all when it comes to organizing business processes, which is why it should never be neglected due to external circumstances. At the same time, you have a duty to protect your employees and yourself and to avoid crowds (meetings, etc.). Today, there is no excuse for this, because the appropriate solutions for the organization of virtual video conferences have existed for many years and are now more than mature in terms of functionality. Move your regular team meetings to virtual rooms and communicate with your employees and partners via webcam conference.

Tip: Customer contact can also be digitized in many areas, contact us!



We are strong - Software für Videokonferenzen


The right video conferencing software for business

Do you want to digitalize your company's communication and internal processes? We would be happy to assist you as an experienced partner for new media and work with you to determine which video conferencing software meets your company's requirements. Taking into account the required range of functions, we will set up a video conferencing module for you.

Particularly noteworthy is the combination of the module with our OMS (Online Management System). This is a system that enables the entire management of, among others, business processes, marketing, accounting as well as internal and external communication with only one interface. Manage the content of your websites, organize your e-mail traffic, plan marketing campaigns, digitalize your accounting or play your digital advertising spaces (billboards / stelae / TV) with new content regardless of location - no matter what you want to do, control or manage, we offer you a sophisticated tool for all fields.


Conferences in Corona times - We can help!

Would you like to learn more about our software solutions or are you already a customer and interested in a module for video conferencing? We would be happy to help you personally and discuss implementation options for your company. Just contact us and make an appointment for a timely discussion.

We look forward to your inquiry!

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